Warren and Halloween

Warren, came around with another request .... he had a tune with a very Halloween theme to it, and wanted to do some video. ..  As usual the ideas were well beyond the collective capabilities and would required massive sets and large cash layout.

So settling on a lot of green screen work and multiple takes ....  we came up with a compromise.  Warren and then with his son, in a number of costumes played multiple parts. the vaults he wanted as the back drop turned in to a church yard, unfortunately the source video was very low res and grainy so we improvised for a lot and made a great deal of dark background, translating it into an "early Hollywood" style night screen, with added lighting effects ...

The result was OK, but there were a good number of lessons learned for the future.,

Sankara - The Harm Principle

Sankara ... performing the Harm Principle from the Consortium tour in 2013.

This version was recorded at the Corporation in Sheffield.

Bluehorses retrospective website

New retrospective website for Bluehorses collating information gathered over the years is now available at bluehorses.info